Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 99-.
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College of Politics and Law, Changchun Normal University
Xiangsihu College, Guangxi Minzu University
Abstract: The study aims to explore the factors affecting teenagers’ willingness to use e-books, in order to guide students to read e-books actively and effectively. This paper took junior high school students in the urban area of Nanning, Guangxi as the research object, made use of SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 to statistically analyze data from 582 valid questionnaires, and established a factor model of the students’ willingness to use e-books based on the UTAUT model, they were concluded that among the three factors of internal demand satisfaction, except for social satisfaction, which had no significant impact on perceived value and willingness to use, content satisfaction and pleasure satisfaction both had a significant direct impact ; meanwhile, perceived ease of use, perceived price, and social impact had a significant impact on willingness to use ; perceived value played a partial mediating role in the impact of various variables on willingness to use. Based on these validated relationship in the e-book reading of these junior high school students, targeted recommendations for promoting e-book reading for junior high school students have been proposed to stakeholders such as e-book publishers, information resource management agencies, schools and parents.
CLC Number:
Zhang Wenyan Guan Cailing. Research on the Factors Inffuencing Junior High School Students’ Intentions of Using E-Book:Taking the Urban Area of Nanning City as an Example[J]. Publishing Journal, 2024, 32(4): 99-.
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