Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 66-.
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Abstract: Taking the seven more mature journal cluster networks in China as the research subjects, this study employs methods such as web survey and statistical analysis to investigate their menu navigation, columns, functions, and knowledge services. It summarizes their common characteristics and distinctive features and derives lessons that can be learned by individual journal websites. The results reveal that the common features of the sample journal cluster network construction mainly include: focusing on one-stop resource retrieval, emphasizing article promotion, paying attention to the integration of literature resources, focusing on subject information services, integrating new technologies to expand the forms of journal dissemination, emphasizing the reporting of development dynamics within the cluster, and having distinct website function settings. Their main characteristics lie in: providing users with diversified services and academic exchange platforms; integrating resources to offer various databases and scientific research data services; incorporating AI technology to enhance user experience; and showcasing the journal’ s editorial philosophy and editorial style. Single scientific journal website construction can draw lessons from aspects such as highlighting key and distinctive functional modules in layout, innovating literature service models, implementing differentiated publicity and promotion strategies, creating a platform for gathering subject information, promoting journal transformation through knowledge services, and cultivating talents for good content operations.
Key words: Science and technology journals Website construction Resource integration Knowledge services Journal cluster websites
CLC Number:
Guo Yihua. National Domestic Scientiffc Technology Journal Clustering Website Construction Features and Their Enlightenment[J]. Publishing Journal, 2024, 32(5): 66-.
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