Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 5-.

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Research on the Evaluation Index System of Publishing Integration Development in the Digital Intelligence Era


  1. School of Information Management / Research Institute for Publishing
  • Online:2024-06-18 Published:2024-06-18

Abstract: Publishing integration development is a derivative of media convergence and a specific deployment of media convergence in the publishing field. From the logic of the manufacturing industry to the logic of the service industry, entering the era of digital intelligence, publishing integration development has shifted from media oriented to de media oriented in media cognition, from pursuing quantity expansion to pursuing quality refinement in goals, and from technology worship to technology examination in technology attitude. This article uses two deconstructive approaches to break down the Publishing integration development in the digital age into content integration, form integration, channel integration, and system integration. The actor network of publishing integration development is abstracted as the government as the promoter, the publisher as the practitioner, and the audience as the power source. Finally, an evaluation index system of publishing integration development in the digital age is constructed, including 1 major goal, 4 major criteria, and 15 operational indicators. 

Key words: Digital intelligence era Publishing integration development Evaluation index system

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