Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 97-.
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Abstract: The integrated development of ethnic publishing and theme publishing shows a trend in following aspects : with the strong support of the central and regional policies, the concept of integrated development has been continuously enhanced ; based on minority topics, the theme publishing nature has been strengthened ; multi-subject participation, the theme publications of minority language version have been co-published ; taking public cultural services as hubs, carrying out the theme reading promotion. However, there are still some problems such as insufficient integration of theme publishing and national characteristic topics,“ strong public welfare and weak market” of ethnic publishing units, insufficient of“ Going abroad” of ethnic theme publishing and reading promotion services on readers’ characteristics. In order to promote the high-quality integrated development of ethnic publishing and theme publishing, we should enhance quality awareness to distinctive ethnic theme publishing products, strengthen the market consciousness to optimize the operation mechanism of publishing subjects, blend into“ the Belt and Road” construction to enhance the international influence of ethnic theme publishing, adhere to the read center to improve the efficiency of reading services of ethnic theme publishing.
Key words: Western China Ethnic publishing Theme publishing Integrated development
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Hao Ting Lu Siqi. Exploring the Path of Integrated Development of Ethnic Publishing and Theme Publishing :Taking Ethnic Publishing in Western China as an Example[J]. Publishing Journal, 2024, 32(3): 97-.
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