Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 47-.
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Abstract: Supporting the high-quality development of the publishing industry and contributing to the establishment of a powerful nation of publishing are both the objective demands for setting up university publishing think tanks and the fundamental value of building publishing discipline. Knowledge service serves as a common practical pathway for both the development of university publishing think tanks and the discipline construction of publishing. To build highquality university publishing think tanks, it is essential to uphold the correct value orientation, fully leverage the advantages of universities in academic innovation, talent cultivation, talent mobility and social services, and effectively utilize the disciplinary expertise of publishing to strengthen theoretical innovation and knowledge production in the publishing profession. Furthermore, it is crucial to foster close ties between industry, academia, and research, enhance international cooperation, and establish a robust institutional guarantee system for university publishing think tanks.
Key words: University think tanks Publishing think tanks Think tanks construction Highquality development Discipline construction of publishing
CLC Number:
Cai Zhongwei. The Construction of University Publishing Think Tanks for High-quality Publishing Development[J]. Publishing Journal, 2024, 32(4): 47-.
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