Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 59-.

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The Media Survival of Professional Academic Journals in the Digital Era


  1. Wuhan University Media Development Research Center / School of Journalism and Communication, Wuhan University; School of Law,Humanities and Sociology, Wuhan University of Technology
  • Online:2024-06-18 Published:2024-06-18

Abstract: In digital times, professional academic journals are facing new survival choices, development processes, and goal orientations. Studying the mediated existence is an adaptation to the reality of technological iterations and the exponential increase in knowledge, with the significance of revealing essence, clarifying relationships, and delineating development. In the modern era, with a focus on the construction of an independent knowledge system in China, professional academic journals need to innovate in media technologies in areas such as content generation, social communication, multidimensional dissemination, and diverse experiences. This is essential to construct a professional journal-based academic community that includes governing and sponsoring departments, editorial offices, evaluation institutions, databases, and involves authors, readers, editors, and peer reviewers. These suggestions can be put forward to achieve high-quality development in terms of political quality, academic quality, editing and proofreading quality, publishing quality, and dissemination quality in professional journals.

Key words: Professional academic journals Media based survival Academic journal community High-quality development 

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