Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 41-49.

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Research on the Production of Propaganda Slogans and Discourse for “National Reading” Based on Consensus Mobilization


  1. School of Journalism and Communication, Shaanxi Normal University;

    School of Digital Art, Xi’ an University of Posts and Telecommunications

  • Received:2024-05-25 Revised:2024-08-23 Online:2024-11-26 Published:2024-11-26


This paper selects 226 propaganda slogans from domestic provincial“ National Reading” theme activities over the past decade and employs discourse analysis to examine the consensus mobilization strategy of these slogans. At the textual analysis level, the“ National Reading” slogans diversify the construction of the theme by emphasizing clearly defined topics such as city image, policy orientation, family customs, personal cultivation, current affairs hot spots, and cohesive means of correlation and interaction, as well as the transitivity of verb guidance. At the level of discourse practice, we further investigate the underlying power dynamics of the slogans, revealing that power serves functions such as informing and guiding, while coherence manifests in forms such as rhyme and parallelism, with intertextuality employing techniques including quotations and allusions. Finally, at the level of social practice, it analyzes the slogan“ National Reading” from macro, meso, and micro perspectives, demonstrating that it is rooted in grand mainstream consciousness and transformed into individual orientation by fostering a social atmosphere conducive to“ National Reading”.

Key words: National reading Propaganda slogans Consensus mobilization Discourse

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