Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 5-.
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Abstract: Based on a comprehensive analysis of the new dynamics in digital publishing, and considering the transformation and development of publishing houses, some crucial factors are proposed: optimizing organizational structures; innovating assessment mechanisms; implementing formal systems and regulations; cultivating and building talent teams. The design of the organizational structure and the planning of the “battle formation” lay the foundation for efficiently responding to external demands; innovative assessment mechanisms enhances internal capabilities and promote collaborative co-existence; the establishment of formal institutions ensure the normativity and flexibility of organizational operations; talent cultivation provides a continuous stream of motivation for the sustainable development of the organization. Through the organic combination of these four aspects, publishing houses can achieve efficiency, innovation, and sustainable development in the new dynamics of digital publishing.
Key words: Publishing houses Revolution Digitalization transformation Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press ,
CLC Number:
Wang Fang. From Change to Renewal: The Self-Evolution Path of Publishing Houses with FLTRP as an Example [J]. Publishing Journal, 2024, 32(4): 5-.
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