Publishing Journal ›› 2025, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 91-104.

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Censorship and Breakout: The Dissemination of Marxist Writings in the KMT Ruling Areas during the War of Resistance Against Japan


  1. School of Marxism, Ocean University of China
  • Received:2024-10-09 Revised:2024-12-14 Online:2025-01-24 Published:2025-01-24

Abstract: During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Nationalist Government severely censored Marxist writings in the Nationalist Region through the enactment of harsh publishing regulations, the establishment of specialized censorship institutions, and the implementation of refined censorship procedures. The CPC responded positively by adopting appropriate measures at all stages of dissemination, promoting the publication, distribution and circulation of Marxist works by promoting the professionalization of publishing institutions, building a detailed book distribution network and accurately clearing up obstruction points in the dissemination of works, and so on. This battle between the censorship of Marxist writings and the breakout of Marxism was an important symptom of the ideological game between the Nationalists and the Communists during the War of Resistance, in which Marxism was more widely disseminated, exerted an important influence, and finally became “the best weapon for the liberation of our nation”.

Key words: font-size:medium, background-color:#525659, ">Anti-Japanese War period , Marxist writings , The KMT Ruling Areas , Dissemination

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