Publishing Journal ›› 2025, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 5-15.
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Zhejiang International Studies University
Department of Information Management / Research Institute for Publishing
Abstract: This study starts from the contradictions and confusions brought by digital technology to the publishing industry. Based on the application results of artificial intelligence as a general technology and its inspiration to the publishing industry, this study discusses how to use artificial intelligence to transform the traditional publishing industry into a new quality productivity, how to create a new type of cultural enterprise, etc., and carefully explores the possibility and reality of artificial intelligence and the new quality productivity of publishing, hoping to trigger more thinking and discussion in academia and industry on artificial intelligence and the new quality productivity of publishing and even the management of the publishing industry.
Key words: font-size:medium, background-color:#525659, ">AI Artificial intelligence Publishing New quality productivity New cultural enterprises
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Yu Dianli Zhou Yang. The Possibility and Reality of AI and New Quality Productivity in Publishing[J]. Publishing Journal, 2025, 33(1): 5-15.
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