Publishing Journal ›› 2025, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 55-65.

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The Application Scenarios and Construction Paths of the New Form of Digital Teaching Materials from the Perspective of Educational Digital Transformation


  1. PEP Digital Publishing Corporation Limited

    Educational Research Institute of the People’ s Education Press

  • Received:2024-05-06 Revised:2024-09-01 Online:2025-01-24 Published:2025-01-24

Abstract: From the perspective of meeting the needs of students’ adaptive learning, immersive learning, intelligent tutoring, and teachers’ analysis of students’ learning situation, intelligent recommendation of resources, and intelligent teaching assistant, this paper expounds the three-tier architecture model of digital textbooks from the perspective of digital transformation of education, namely, the “data layer”“service layer”“application layer” . Relying on core services such as “knowledge mapping” “environmental perception”“artificial intelligence” “cloud computing”, a highly cohesive and loosely coupled functional application system for digital textbooks is built through five functional tools, namely “effectiveness”“information”“scenario” “evaluation”“Cognition” . Make the digitalization of teaching materials change from rich media of resources and digitalization of information organization to intelligence based on knowledge engineering. Digital teaching materials should meet the needs of the transformation and development of education informatization, and develop from providing teaching content as the main basis to providing functions and tool systems with more educational and teaching value.

Key words: font-size:medium, background-color:#525659, ">Digital textbooks , New form textbooks , Digitalization of education , Digital transformation , Intelligent textbooks

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