Publishing Journal ›› 2025, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 105-116.
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College of Culture and History, Shijiazhuang University
School of Marxism, Hebei Minzu Normal University
School of Literature, Hebei University
Abstract: The spatial and temporal distribution of mountain chronicles of Ming and Qing dynasties is unbalanced, which is closely related to the political and cultural environment of the Ming and Qing dynasties and the geo-human conditions of the mountains. In terms of compilation, the editors included officials, local scholars, and religious personnel, with various identities. It takes the preservation of history and administration, the recognition of mountains and forests, the guidance of sleeping tour, and the development of education as the purview, the text organization form is complex and diversified, and it has its own system. As far as mountain chronicles are concerned, they are mainly private engravings, with wide sources of funds, low participation in official engravings and folk systems, and are mainly circulated among gentry and religious personnel through private circulation, purchase and collection. In a word, mountain chronicles of Ming and Qing dynasties not only have a unique compilation culture, but also their publishing and circulation methods are different from the familiar local chronicles.
Key words: font-size:medium, background-color:#525659, ">Mountain chronicles of Ming and Qing dynasties , Local chronicles , Compile and publish , Codification group , Text organization
CLC Number:
G239" target="_blank"> ">G239
Wang Jun Wang Jianjiang Liu Jinzhu. Analysis on Compilation and Publication of Mountain Chronicles of Ming and Qing Dynasties[J]. Publishing Journal, 2025, 33(1): 105-116.
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