Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 111-117.

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Exploration of the Phenomenon of“ Offfcial-private Interaction” in the Book Publishing Industry in the Qing Dynasty


  1. School of Ethnicity and History,Ningxia University
  • Received:2023-09-25 Revised:2024-07-10 Online:2024-11-26 Published:2024-11-26


There is no insurmountable boundary in the publishing industry of official and private books in the Qing Dynasty,but a phenomenon of“ official and private interaction” exists. The commercial publication of official books and the official publication of private books have jointly promoted the prosperity of book publishing in the Qing Dynasty. It also affects the occurrence of political life in the Qing Dynasty, the operation of the dynasty system, the formation and dissemination of knowledge systems, and the cultural identity of regions and countries. Meanwhile, the government of the Qing Dynasty has strong control over the publication of private books out of political purposes,which is referred as“ private official control” . The phenomenon of“ official-private interaction” shows the complexity, diversity and integration of the publishing industry in the Qing Dynasty, and also demonstrates the political nature of this industry under the dynasty system.

Key words: Publishing industry in the Qing Dynasty Of?cial-private interaction Of?cial-private printing Private-of?cial engraving Private-of?cial control 

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