Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 86-.

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Effect of Cultural Distance on Publication Export Trade in China


  1. School of Journalism & Communication,Huaqiao University;

    Institute of Future Media Research, Guangzhou Huashang College

  • Online:2024-06-18 Published:2024-06-18

Abstract: This paper studies the effect of cultural distance on publication export trade in China on empirical study, by the data of UN Comtrade database and cultural dimension data of Hofstede. It introduced GDP per capita as regulated variable, and explored the regulated effect of economic development level. The research showed that cultural distance increased the transaction cost and uncertainty, and decreased transaction scale, extent and depth, and negatively correlated to the publication export trade. And economic development level positively regulated the relationship of cultural distance and publication export trade, which reduced the negative effect of cultural distance to the publication export trade. In the future, we should focus on both cultural and economic factors to implement differentiation strategy of production, export, and promotion on publication export trade in China, according to the different type of countries and areas based on cultural and economic characteristics.

Key words: Publication Cultural distance Export trade Economic development level

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