Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 120-.

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The Authorship and Ephemeral Dissemination about the Western Han Dynasty of Agricultural Book of the Yin DuWei


  1. Library of Huazhong Agricultural University

    College of Literature, Communication University of Zhejiang

  • Online:2024-08-08 Published:2024-08-10

Abstract: Combining the knowledge of cataloging and institutional history, the paper proves that the book was written between the end of Emperor Wu and the beginning of Emperor Cheng of the Western Han Dynasty, and that the author was an agricultural lieutenant with the surname Yin in the northern part of the country, thus clarifies the information of the book. The paper sorts out three communication paths of Yin DuWei, which include recording, citation and annotation, points out the difficulties of the book’ s dissemination dilemma in the sense that its content is scattered and its reputation still exists, and analyzes the reasons for the ineffective dissemination of Qin-Han agricultural books from the three aspects of the elitism of the dissemination audience, the duality of dissemination content, and the restriction of the effect of the dissemination medium, then highlights the important influence of the dissemination mode on the survival of the agricultural books.

Key words: Yin DuWei Dissemination dilemma Identi?cation of author Argricultural book  Dessemination mode

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