Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 64-.
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Abstract: This paper briefly reviews and comprehends the development history and current situation of Korean webcomics. Then, it analyzes and summarizes the overseas publishing and dissemination strategies of the Korean webcomic, including expanding the copyright operating entities, constructing the value chain of domestic and overseas platforms, providing diversified platform service strategies, mobilizing readers to participate in translation, and diversifying the development of copyrighted contents. Afterwards, this paper puts forward suggestions for the overseas publishing and dissemination of Chinese webcomic from the aspects of stimulating the vitality of platforms and improving the content output capacity, strengthening platform cooperation to expand overseas dissemination channels, enhancing the path of IP development in all dimensions, focusing on the acceptance of overseas audiences and cultivating professional translation talents.
CLC Number:
Wang Ruoyang. Study on Overseas Publication and Dissemination Strategies of Korean Webcomics [J]. Publishing Journal, 2024, 32(4): 64-.
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