Publishing Journal ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 102-.
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Abstract: Publishing“Going out”is an important strategy to improve the soft power of national culture. Among the factors influencing the theme publishing“Going out”, it is important for international editors to grasp the trend of international reading and have the ability to integrate international resources. This article describes the realistic situation of Chinese Theme publishing “Going out”, puts forward three levels and four shifts, on this basis, from the theory of international publishing, publishing agent system, government support and strength, the internationalization of media control ability, selected topic planning and marketing capabilities analyzed in five dimensions, China theme books“Going out”the international problem in editing ability construction and further suggestions are given.
Key words: Theme publishing “Going out” International editor Ability of international editors
CLC Number:
Li Ting Han Jianmin. A Study on Improving the Ability of International Editors of Chinese Books[J]. Publishing Journal, 2020, 28(6): 102-.
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