Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 93-.

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The Linguistic Justice in Academic Publishing and Its Implications for China


  1. School of Chinese Language and Literature / School of Journalism and Communication, Guangxi Normal University
  • Received:2024-02-21 Revised:2024-07-17 Online:2024-09-30 Published:2024-09-30

Abstract: This article examines the issue of linguistic justice in current international academic publishing, discusses the necessity of a multilingual system in academic publishing, and provides practical suggestions for China’ s academic publishing by summarizing the experiences and lessons of second largest language group such as Germany, France, Japan and Latin America in multilingual academic publishing. China, as the biggest academic paper producer, should break the alienation the top English journals bring to our local academia, improve the Chinese knowledge provision and influence in international academia, promote multilingual international academic exchange and publishing cooperation, build diversified evaluation indicators to reform the academic evaluation system, and promote the true prosperity of academia while ensuring our academic autonomy. 

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