Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 103-.

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Discussion on the Publishing Principles, Current Development Status and Prospects of Diamond OA


  1. Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines,China Pharmaceutical University
  • Received:2024-04-02 Revised:2024-07-04 Online:2024-09-30 Published:2024-09-30

Abstract: This article conducts in-depth research on the main contradictions in the current academic publishing system through online research, literature research, and content analysis methods. It takes the reasons for the rise of open access to diamonds, publishing principles, the inclusion of diamond open access journals in the DOAJ database, the problems that have arisen in the development process of open access to diamonds, the proactive actions taken by multiple parties to solve these problems, and the future development direction of open access to diamonds as the discourse framework. Selecting multiple indicators such as the number of diamond open access journals, disciplinary distribution, and funding shortages as a twolevel evaluation system, this article comprehensively discusses the diamond open access publishing system. Suggestions for the future development of open access to diamonds should be proposed at the national level, including strengthening publicity and guidance, establishing diamond open access publishing platforms, expanding funding sources for journals, paying attention to data storage, and adopting persistent identifiers, in order to provide reference for the transformation and upgrading of academic publishing in China.

Key words: Diamond OA Directory of Open Access(DOAJ) Joint Information Systems Committee PID

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