Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 86-.
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University
School of Journalism and Communication, Wuhan University
Abstract: This study adopts a keyword-based approach and builds a corpus that collects 5515 internet text units about“ wanghong”. By using high-frequency word statistics and semantic network analysis, it aims to understand the nuanced and changing meaning of“ wanghong” in the Chinese internet context. Through critical discourse analysis, it explores how“ wanghong” is interpreted and applied by multiple subjects in political, cultural and economical practices. It has found that“ wanghong” serves as a“ vessel” brimming with diverse content and meaning. In the discourse of social development, wanghong is regarded an ideal societal vessel. It also plays a significant role in knowledge dissemination as a cultural vessel. In commercial practices, “wanghong” has evolved into a vessel encompassing fans, money, and passion. Furthermore, it reflects various social concepts, including consumerism, postmodernism, patriarchy, and the different notion of“ public” in China and the West.
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Zhao Luolin Mao Wanyi. Wanghong as “Vessels” :A Corpus-based Study on the Conceptual History of “Wanghong”[J]. Publishing Journal, 2024, 32(4): 86-.
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