Publishing Journal ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 36-.
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Abstract: Picture books are the first choice for children to participate in early reading environment activities. Because children’s reading behaviors are often carried out under the guidance and joint participation of their parents, the literary creation of children’s picture books needs to combine the needs of dual readerships between adults and children. At the same time, the huge differences in interest, reading motivation, reading behavior, and reading experience between the two major reader groups further require that children’s picture books should meet the dual address nature. The use of parody to imitate the original classic stories and classic paintings, and to imitate and create a second time, is a common skill in the excellent works of contemporary British and American children’s books and paintings, which not only can meet the double telling of dual readers, but also provide different types of reading experience for both. Discussing the priority of readers in the creation of children’s picture books based on the dual reader structure and the correct use of parody can help prevent children’s picture books from becoming flattering behaviors for adult readers and help children participate in the parody decoding process.
Key words: Children’s literature Picture books Parody Dual readers Parent-child reading
CLC Number:
Li Xiaohua Wang Huahua. Parody,Dual Readers and Priorities for Children’s Picture Books[J]. Publishing Journal, 2020, 28(6): 36-.
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