Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 26-40.

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The Inffuential Mechanism and Promotion Strategies of E-book Industrial Performance in the Integration Process:A Case Study Based on the SCP Framework


  1. Institute of Integrated Publishing Research;

    Institute of Integrated Publishing Research;

    School of Culture and Media, Zhengzhou college of Finance and Economics;

    School of Journalism and Communication, Henan University

  • Received:2024-05-20 Revised:2024-09-20 Online:2024-11-26 Published:2024-11-26


The goal is to explore the mechanisms influencing the performance improvenent of China’ s e-book industry during the integrated proeess. Based on the perspective of the Industrial Organization Economics’ Structure-Conduct-Performance(SCP) framework. The representative publishing groups, including Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing & Media Group, Central China Publishing & Media Group,China South Publishing & Media Group,and Shanghai Century Publishing(Group)Co., Ltd., are selected for in-depth case analysis. The analysis yields thirteen propositions and practical dilemmas in areas such as “industrial policy” “market structure” “corporate behavior” “business performance”,which drawn from three aspects:the influence of industrial structure on the behavior of traditional publishers,the guidance and constraints of government regulations on corporate behavior, and the mutual influence between corporate behavior and business performance. This paper hopes to explore the development patterns of the e-book industry and provide empirical evidence and practical suggestions for the development of the e-book industry during the integration process.

Key words: SCP Framework E-book Industrial Performance Case Study

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