Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 62-.

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Analysis of Factors Influencing the Success Rate of Crowdfunding Publishing:Taking MoDian as an Example


  1. (School of Management Science and Engineering, Shandong Technology and Business University,
    Shandong,264000)(College of Humanities and Communication, Shandong Technology and
    Business University, Shandong, 264000)(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Hubei
    University, Wuhan, 430062)
  • Online:2024-01-15 Published:2024-01-15


Crowdfunding publishing endows the publishing industry with new value, offering a solution to the current challenges faced by traditional print publishing. It effectively addresses the publishing difficulties of niche and out-of-print books, enhances the social attributes of book publishing, extends the industry chain, increases added value, and elevates the collecting and appreciation potential of books. As a standout platform, MoDian provides valuable data on the success of crowdfunding publishing. Leveraging multiple linear regression analysis, it constructs a model to analyze the factors influencing the success rate of crowdfunding publishing. The results indicate that factors such as the number of supporters, the percentage of basic tier contributions, update frequency, and the number of tiers significantly impact the success rate of crowdfunding publishing. Initiators of crowdfunding projects should scientifically set target amounts and tiers, enhance project transparency and exposure, and prioritize the selection of high-quality intellectual properties (IPs).

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