Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 22-.
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Abstract: From the perspective of Chinese path to modernization, editors’ traditional cultural view includes three aspects: theoretical noumenon, practical application and basic principles. The main points of traditional cultural views in editing are that editors need to have a profound understanding and comprehension of the high compatibility between excellent traditional Chinese culture, the basic principles of Marxism and the values of scientific socialism. The practical application of traditional cultural views in editing focuses on“ creative transformation” and “innovative development”, with specific paths including classic reconstruction, popularization, technology empowerment, global communication, etc. The basic principle of editing traditional cultural views is that editors should treat Chinese traditional culture with discrimination and inherit it with scientific sublate.
Key words: Chinese path to modernization Traditional cultural view Identi?cation Scienti?c sublate
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Li Zhenrong. On the Traditional Cultural View of Editors from the Perspective of Chinese Path to Modernization[J]. Publishing Journal, 2024, 32(5): 22-.
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