Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 38-.
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Abstract: This study employs thematic analysis to integrate data from academic research papers, publishing standards, academic book award criteria, and expert interviews to construct a comprehensive evaluation index system for academic books. This system comprises five primary indicators: content, editing, design, printing and dissemination. Under the“ content” indicator, 11 secondary indicators are delineated, including intellectual rigor, innovation and value, et al. The“ editing” indicator is divided into three secondary indicators: cover editing, main text editing, and supplementary text editing. The“ design” indicator is further refined into three secondary indicators: binding design, printing design and layout design. The“ printing” indicator includes two secondary indicators: printing quality and production format. The“ dissemination” indicator includes four secondary indicators: policy impact, public dissemination, academic influence and economic value.
Key words: Wang Pianran Zhang Jiuzhen Chen Fei Zhang Ying Meng Fan
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Wang Pianran Zhang Jiuzhen Chen Fei Zhang Ying Meng Fan. Research on the Academic Book Publishing Evaluation Index System in Social Sciences[J]. Publishing Journal, 2024, 32(5): 38-.
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