出版科学 ›› 2025, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 105-116.

• 历史与文化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 石家庄学院文化与历史学院



  • 收稿日期:2022-06-30 修回日期:2024-04-25 出版日期:2025-01-24 发布日期:2025-01-24
  • 作者简介:王俊,文学博士,石家庄学院文化与历史学院讲师; 王建江,哲学博士,河北民族师范学院马克思主义学院讲师; 刘金柱,河北大学文学院教授、博士生导师。

Analysis on Compilation and Publication of Mountain Chronicles of Ming and Qing Dynasties

  1. College of Culture and History, Shijiazhuang University

    School of Marxism, Hebei Minzu Normal University

    School of Literature, Hebei University

  • Received:2022-06-30 Revised:2024-04-25 Online:2025-01-24 Published:2025-01-24

摘要: 明清山志的时空分布具有不平衡性,这与明清时期王朝政治文化环境以及山岳地缘人文条件有密切关系。而在编纂方面,编者既包括官员、地方士人,又包括宗教人员,身份多样;其以存史资政、表彰山林、导览卧游、弘教衍脉为旨趣,文本组织形式复杂多元,自成体系。再 就山志出版而言,以民间私刻为主,资金来源广泛,官刻、坊刻系统参与程度低,其主要以私人传阅、购买、收藏方式在士绅阶层与宗教人员之间流通。概言之,明清山志不仅具有独特的编纂文化,其出版流通方式也与熟识的地方志差异明显。

关键词: font-size:medium, background-color:#525659, ">明清山志 方志文献 编纂出版 编纂群体 文本组织

Abstract: The spatial and temporal distribution of mountain chronicles of Ming and Qing dynasties is unbalanced, which is closely related to the political and cultural environment of the Ming and Qing dynasties and the geo-human conditions of the mountains. In terms of compilation, the editors included officials, local scholars, and religious personnel, with various identities. It takes the preservation of history and administration, the recognition of mountains and forests, the guidance of sleeping tour, and the development of education as the purview, the text organization form is complex and diversified, and it has its own system. As far as mountain chronicles are concerned, they are mainly private engravings, with wide sources of funds, low participation in official engravings and folk systems, and are mainly circulated among gentry and religious personnel through private circulation, purchase and collection. In a word, mountain chronicles of Ming and Qing dynasties not only have a unique compilation culture, but also their publishing and circulation methods are different from the familiar local chronicles.

Key words: font-size:medium, background-color:#525659, ">Mountain chronicles of Ming and Qing dynasties , Local chronicles , Compile and publish , Codification group , Text organization
