出版科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 49-.

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“ 文艺场域”“ 区隔”理论下的“ 80后”作家图书出版

杨 曙   

  1. ( 福建工程学院,福州,350108)
  • 出版日期:2011-07-15 发布日期:2011-07-15
  • 作者简介:杨曙,博士,福建工程学院讲师。

  • Online:2011-07-15 Published:2011-07-15


出版业在“ 80 后” 作家图书的商品化趋势比在传统精英作家出版中要明晰得多。 传统精英作家图
书出版往往以 “ 高等教育”“ 高等文化” 等为标准定位, 使学者习惯倾向围绕既存的“ 高等” 观念的普遍性,
而忽略了“ 80 后” 作家图书出版与众不同的个别性。“ 80 后” 作家图书的出版则可抛射出改变本身以精英面
貌出现的精英作家图书作为“ 文艺场域” 一部分的内在能动。“ 80 后” 作家图书的出版又具有很强的区分性

关键词: &ldquo, 80 后&rdquo, 丨 作家图书出版 , 丨&ldquo, 文艺场域&rdquo,  , 丨&ldquo, 区隔&rdquo


The commercialization trend of the book publishing of authors born in 1980’s is faster than that of
traditional elite authors. Generally traditional elite publishers tend to “ higher education”,“ higher culture” for
the standard orientation. So, the scholars’ habits appear to be some “ higher” concepts, but to ignore the
individual of the book publishing of authors born in 1980’s, which can reflect the elite publisher’s inner move
of literary field. The book publishing of authors born in 1980’s has its strong distinguish and rank.