出版科学 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 29-.

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“ 浅阅读”时代编辑的坚守与应对


  1. (《 宁波大学学报》编辑部,宁波,315211)
  • 出版日期:2012-03-15 发布日期:2012-03-15
  • 作者简介:张文鸯,《 宁波大学学报》编辑部副研究员。

  • Online:2012-03-15 Published:2012-03-15


阅读决定着一个民族思维的深度和高度,“ 浅阅读” 占主导地位的阅读趋势将导致文化泡沫取代真
正的精华。 编辑应自觉承担起引领民族文化发展走向的重任, 坚持 “ 深阅读”, 做好“ 深出版”。

关键词: &ldquo, 浅阅读&rdquo, 丨&ldquo, 深阅读&rdquo,  , 丨&ldquo, 深出版&rdquo


Reading activities decide the depth and height of thinking of a nationality. The culture bubbles will take the place of
culture essence if the “ shallow reading” tends to dominate. Editors should consciously take the response of guiding the nation’
s cultural development, sticking to “ deep reading” and achieve “ high quality editing”.