出版科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 32-.

• 虚拟现实媒介叙事研究专题 • 上一篇    下一篇

“AIGC+ ” :虚拟现实媒介内容生产机制研究


  1. 中国科学技术大学科技传播系
  • 出版日期:2024-06-18 发布日期:2024-06-18
  • 作者简介:尤丽娜,中国科学技术大学科技传播系 2021 级硕士生; 周诗涵,中国科学技术大学科技传播系 2021 级硕士生; 周荣庭,管理学博士,中国科学技术大学科技传播系教授、博士生导师。
  • 基金资助:

“AIGC+” : Research on the Mechanism of Virtual Reality Media Content Production

  1. Department of Science and Technology Communication, University of Science and Technology of China
  • Online:2024-06-18 Published:2024-06-18

摘要: 基于间性视角,从主体参与的跨场景互动、文本连接的跨文本延伸、媒介互联的跨模 态交融,分析不同内容生产模式之间的关系逻辑 ;并结合数字创意互动服务模型,从内容制作、 内容包装、市场创建、数据传输、发行服务及用户界面六大方面,探讨“AIGC+”虚拟现实媒介 内容生产的运作机制。最后,从负责任创新是借力人工智能生产开展持续创新的重要基石、平台 化思维是连接各方资源的重要桥梁、数字素养是数据生产力发展的重要保障、生态理念是可持续 健康发展的重要引领,提出构筑运作保障体系的具体策略。

Abstract: Taking the perspective of interality, this article analyzes the logic of the relationship between different modes of content production in terms of cross-scene interaction of subject participation, cross-textual extension of textual connectivity, and cross-modal intermingling of media interconnectivity. Based on this, this article discusses the operation mechanism of“ AIGC+” virtual reality media content production from the six aspects of content creation, content packaging, market creation, data transmission, distribution service and user interface in conjunction with the Digital Creative Interactive Service Model. Finally, this article proposes specific strategies for constructing an operational guarantee system from the aspects that responsible innovation is an important cornerstone for sustained innovation through AIGC, platform thinking is an important bridge for connecting resources of all parties, digital literacy is an important guarantee for the development of data productivity, and ecological concept is an important lead for sustainable and healthy development. 
