出版科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 42-.

• 虚拟现实媒介叙事研究专题 • 上一篇    下一篇

出版融合视域下的 VR 媒介阅读专注度研究


  1. 武汉理工大学法学与人文社会学院
  • 出版日期:2024-06-18 发布日期:2024-06-18
  • 作者简介:刘锦宏,武汉理工大学法学与人文社会学院教授; 王一雪,武汉理工大学法学与人文社会学院 2022 级硕士生; 陈姜同,通讯作者,武汉理工大学法学与人文社会学院 2021 级硕士生; 张子妍,武汉理工大学法学与人文社会学院 2023 级硕士生。
  • 基金资助:

Research on Reading Concentration in VR Media under the Perspective of Publishing Integration

  1. School of Law, Humanities and Sociology, Wuhan University of Technology
  • Online:2024-06-18 Published:2024-06-18

摘要: 通过记录脑电图中不同脑波频带的功率变化,比较分析在进行虚拟现实阅读和传统 纸质阅读时读者大脑中与专注度相关的大脑活动变化,以研究虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR) 阅读时的读者阅读关注度。本次实验共 31 名被试参与,分别在虚拟现实阅读和纯文字纸质阅读 条件下,完成约 120 秒的阅读任务,同步使用 Emotiv Pro 设备记录实验期间被试的大脑活动情况, 获得相关实验数据。实验结果表明,θ、α、β波段的功率在虚拟现实阅读任务中均显著高于纯文 字纸质阅读任务,表明在虚拟现实阅读条件下,读者注意力更加集中、专注度更高,能够提升阅 读效果。并从丰富虚拟现实感官体验、改进虚拟现实交互设计、优化虚拟现实叙事技巧、降低虚 拟现实眩晕风险四个方面提出具体建议,以期能够进一步提高虚拟现实阅读的读者阅读专注度, 提升阅读效果。

Abstract: In order to study readers’ reading attention during VR reading, this paper compares and analyzes the changes in brain activities related to concentration in readers’ brains while performing VR reading and traditional paper reading by recording the power changes of different brainwave bands in EEG. A total of 31 graduate students participated in this experiment, and they completed the reading task for about 120 seconds under VR reading and text-only paper reading conditions, respectively. While reading, the subjects synchronously used the Emotiv Pro to record the brain activity during the experiment and obtain relevant experimental data. The experimental results show that the power of theta, alpha, and beta bands are all significantly higher in the VR reading task than in the text-only paper reading task, indicating that readers are more focused and concentrated under VR reading conditions, which can enhance the reading effect. Based on the above conclusions, this paper puts forward specific suggestions from the levels of enriching VR sensory experience, improving VR interaction design, optimizing VR narrative skills, and reducing the risk of VR vertigo, in order to be able to further improve the reading concentration of readers in VR reading and enhance the reading effect. 
