出版科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 68-.

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  1. (华侨大学新闻与传播学院,厦门,361021)(浙江工商大学杭州商学院图书馆,杭州,311508)
  • 出版日期:2024-03-15 发布日期:2024-04-10
  • 作者简介:潘文年,华侨大学新闻与传播学院教授 ;戴颖(通讯作者),浙江工商大学杭州商学院图书馆馆员。
  • 基金资助:

The Influence and Elimination of Cultural Differences in the External Dissemination of Chinese Books

  1. (School of Journalism and Communication,Huaqiao University, Xiamen,361021)(Library of Hangzhou College of Commerce,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou,311508)
  • Online:2024-03-15 Published:2024-04-10


文化差异指因自然地理环境、文化自身进化与变迁、历史传统以及民族性的存在使不同民族、国家的文化都具有自己的独特个性并本能地恒久保持,从而使不同民族、国家的文化呈现出的差异。我国图书对外传播过程中,文化差异影响图书产品的生产制作、图书产品的交易成本以及图书产品对外传播中的区域分布。包括“香蕉人”模式、“混搭 - 融合”模式和“通适性”模式在内的图书产制模式的推展创新有助于消解文化差异的不利影响,推进我国图书进入西方发达国家主流市场文化障碍的渐次消除。


Cultural differences refer to the differences in the cultures of different nations and countries, which are caused by the natural geographical environment, the evolution and vicissitudes of culture itself, the historical tradition and the existence of nationality. In the process of China's book external dissemination, cultural differences affect the production of book
products, the transaction costs of book products and the regional distribution of book products external dissemination. Innovation in the book production model, including the“Banana Man” model, the“Mix-and-mix” model and the“Adaptability” model, will help to eliminate the negative impact of cultural differences, promote our books into the western developed countries mainstream market cultural barriers gradually eliminate.
