出版科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 110-.

• 历史与文化 • 上一篇    下一篇

传统农耕文化“走出去” :中国古农书《耕织图》在日本的跨文化传播 


  1. 四川大学文学与新闻学院
  • 出版日期:2024-08-08 发布日期:2024-08-10
  • 作者简介:朱航,四川大学文学与新闻学院 2022 级博士生。
  • 基金资助:

Traditional Farming Culture Going Global: Cross-cultural Dissemination of Ancient Chinese Agricultural Books Farming and Weaving Pictures in Japan

  1. School of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University
  • Online:2024-08-08 Published:2024-08-10

摘要: 对中国古农书《耕织图》在日本传播过程进行历史考据与分析,考察其如何借助“海上丝绸之路”流布日本,并在此过程中逐步形成极具日本民族特色的“四季耕作图”“养蚕机织图” 等日式农耕图绘。研究发现,《耕织图》东传日本的历程是一个禅宗语境与日本室町时代幕府文化 交融的过程。《耕织图》原有的“劝农课业”与“鉴戒主义”的传播意图在传播过程之中被削弱,居于次要地位的艺术审美功能被放大。而通过将《耕织图》转换为日式艺术作品,连接起禅宗寺庙与幕府将军的权力控制,彰显出统治者的文化品位,实现了文化变迁。这一转变在承袭《耕织图》 中人与自然和谐共处的象征意味之余,亦赋予日式农耕图绘在文化意象上更加浓厚的宗教意蕴。

关键词: 中国古农书《耕织图》 日式农耕图绘 跨文化传播 文化变迁 传统文化“走出去”

Abstract: Through historical research and analysis of the dissemination process of the ancient Chinese agricultural book The Farming and Weaving Map in Japan. Examining how it spread to Japan through the“ Maritime Silk Road” , and was gradually altered into the form of farming drawing such as“ four-season farming pictures” and“ silkworm Farming and Weaving Pictures”with its own characteristics. Research has found that the process of the transmission of The Farming and Weaving Map to Japan was a fusion of Zen culture and the shogunate culture of the Muromachi period in Japan. The cultural intention of the implied meaning of the technical education and the dissemination of orthodox symbols in the Farming and Weaving Pictures was weakened. The aesthetic function was amplified. By transforming the The Farming and Weaving Map into a Japanese art piece, it connects the power control of Zen temples and shogunates, highlighting the cultural taste of the rulers and achieving cultural change. This transformation not only inherits the symbolic meaning of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, but also endows Japans farming pictures with a stronger religious connotation in cultural imagery.

Key words: Ancient Chinese Agricultural books Farming and Weaving Pictures Japans farming pictures Cross-cultural dissemination Cultural change Traditional culture going global
