Publishing Journal ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 58-.
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As an important carrier, book plays an increasingly prominent role in enhancing the state’s discourse power and cultural soft power. With the gradual advance of China’s publication, Chinese books have made gratifying achievements in the international market, but there are still some problems such as the early market research is not solid, the local readers’preference cannot be accurately grasped. In order to further enhance the development potential and market competitiveness of China’s export books, this paper chooses books in Little Free Library as samples of American local books, books from Amazon online book store“China Books”as samples of Chinese export books. Through the comparison of the book type, price and cover design of the books in three aspects, looks for the differences between the Chinese export books and the native books that the American people loved, in order to help the future output of Chinese books more fit the needs of the United States, and the real realization of the leap from“going out”to“going in”.
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