Publishing Journal ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (5): 24-.

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Challenge and Strategy of Mainstream Ideology in the Field of Publishing


  • Online:2018-09-15 Published:2018-09-15


Editors are critk^il to the grasp of ideology. The editorial wor1< is at the center stage in publishing work. The mainstream ideology of our country faces the varkHis challenges. These challenges mainty display that is not strict in the grasp of ideology of vanity publication, introduction ol foreign books, the publishing ol traditional culture, and the digestion for the ideology of publishing by the new media, etc. To consolidate the positions of mainstream ideology in the field of publishing, editors will strengthen their cultivation of ideology, grasp the ~*four relations*, including the relationship between editor's cultivation of ideology and editing work, the relationship between social benefit and economic benefit, the relationship between the grasp of ideology and cultural transmission, the relationship between digital publishing, new media, and traditional publishing.