Publishing Journal ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (5): 38-.

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The Configuration and Exploration of Editor Assessment and Evaluation System of
Publishing Enterprises: Analyzing Y Press as an Example


  • Online:2016-09-15 Published:2016-09-15


As the main body of modern enterprise to participate in market competition, Y press uses a
combination of BSC and KPI theory method to build its editor assessment and evaluation system. Based on
four BSC assessment and evaluation indexes of financing, readers, internal business, learning and growing,
combined with its enterprise strategic target and specific situation, Y press further established the detailed KPI
indexes, mainly including systematic editor assessment contents of basic profits, press programs, publishing
varieties, redaction workload, process management, major publications, individual rewards and punishment,
etc. With high feasibility, strong maneuverability, the assessment and evaluation system has a good effect in
practice, worthy of reference for similar enterprises. However, in the process of execution this system is easily
affected by artificial subjectivity in the aspects of redaction workload and varieties, profit cohesion, process
management and control, so it has further optimization space for us to explore.