Publishing Journal ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (2): 103-.
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This article analyzes the cultural protection policies in the Canadian book publishing industry, including the governmental support——both at the institutional level and at the economic level——to domestic book publishers for their better performance in surviving and competing in the global market. To specify, the institutional support includes the amendment of The Copyright Act , the signing of The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions , and the institutional support to the education industry. Meanwhile, the economic support includes the Canada Book Fund from the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Export Marketing Assistance Program and the Foreign Rights Marketing Assistance Program initiated by the Association for the Export of Canadian Books (funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage), and the Block Grants and the Emerging Publisher Grants organized by the Canada Council for the Arts. This article also focuses on several problems as a result of the aforementioned cultural protection policies, and such problems need to be further examined.
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