Publishing Journal ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 76-80.
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Lian Tonghui, etc
Analyzing and showing research fields, important scholars, major research institutions and important scholarly literatures are very important tasks for digital publishing researchers to take.This article, based on the theory of Mapping Knowledge Domains, uses Citespace to analyze articles on digital publishing from 1998 to 2011 that are retrieved from CSSCI and gets a series of knowledge maps of key words, authors, institutions, cited journals and so on.They show a structural view of knowledge in the field of digital publishing research from various angles, which would help the researchers to understand the status of the research.
Key words: Digital publishing, CSSCI, Mapping knowledge domains
Lian Tonghui, etc. Mapping Knowledge Domains of Digital Publishing Research Based on CSSCI [J]. Publishing Journal, 2013, 21(1): 76-80.
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