Publishing Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 30-.

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Basic Research on Ontology Construction in the Digital Publishing Field of  Romance of the Three Kingdoms


  1. Hubei Provincial Integrated Publishing Technology Engineering Research Center,Wuhan,430070
  • Online:2024-01-15 Published:2024-01-15


This study demonstrates the feasibility of applying the Semantic Publishing domain ontology construction theory to the digital publication of literary works, specifically focusing on the case of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a representative work in the genre of serious historical novels. The proposition suggests that conducting ontology construction research on Romance of the Three Kingdoms can serve as a paradigm for ontology construction in other types of novels. Subsequently, the paper elucidates the current application status of domain ontology construction in the publishing field, further analyzing the principles and methods applicable to ontology construction in the domain of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The study establishes five principles—clarity, consistency, expansiveness, intelligence, and openness—as the ontology construction principles for Romance of the Three Kingdoms, building upon internationally recognized ontology construction methods such as the seven-step method to formulate a nine step methodology for ontology construction in the context of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Following this, the paper practically deduces that five of the nine steps, verifiable through manual editing, can be used to validate the feasibility of applying ontology construction to Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Finally, the research provides insights into future prospects.

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