出版科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 76-.

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  1. 安徽财经大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2024-08-08 发布日期:2024-08-10
  • 作者简介:时晨,文学博士,安徽财经大学文学院副教授、硕士生导师。

The Development History and Enlightenment of Children’ s Book Publishing in Japan after World War II

  1. School of Languages & Media, Anhui University of Finance and Economics
  • Online:2024-08-08 Published:2024-08-10

摘要: 战后日本童书出版的发展历程可划分为出版机构与行业组织等相关方依靠灵活销售手段扩展童书市场的起步期(20 世纪 50—70 年代)、基于自身理念与资源尝试突破读者“远离书本” 困境的探索期(20 世纪 80—90 年代)、协同营造良好读书环境与差异化竞争并行的成熟期(2001— 2010 年),以及注重童书附加价值开发与固有价值转化的创新期(2011—至今)4 个阶段。从日本 童书出版的发展历程中可梳理出多元主体共塑良好出版环境、紧跟读者轨迹实现多场景营销、把握时代潮流力求推陈出新的主要特征,也能提炼出打造良好出版环境、合理搭配营销渠道、丰富童书内容与类别的经验启示。

关键词: 战后 日本童书 出版市场 发展历程

Abstract: The development of children’ s book publishing in Japan after World War II can be divided into four stages: the initial period( 1950s—1970s)when publishers, industry organizations and other stakeholders relied on flexible sales methods to expand the children’ s book market, the exploratory period( 1980s—1990s) when they attempted to break through the dilemmas of“ being away from books” based on their own concepts and resources, the mature period( 2001—2010) in which they both collaborated to create a good reading environment and launched differentiated competition, and the innovation period( 2011—), in which attention was paid to the development and transformation of childrens books’ added value. From the development history of children’ s book publishing in Japan can extract the characteristics of multi-collaboration to create a good publishing environment, follow the readers’ movement to realize multi-scenario marketing, grasp the trend to ensure the innovation, and provide inspirations for China’ s children’ s book publishing to create a favorable publishing environment, match the sales channels and enrich the categories of children’ s book.

Key words: World War Ⅱ Japanese children’ s books Publishing market Development history
