Publishing Journal ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (5): 5-.

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A Study on the Innovative Strategy of Human Resource Management in Publishing Enterprise under the Background of Integrative Development


  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2017-09-15


Human Resource(HR)is the core resource of publishing enterprise. Under the background of integrative development, the talent’s ability of publishing enterprises is changing gradually. At present, there are still some problems in the HR management, such as the lack of top-level design, poor effect of salary plus performance based incentives, unclear direction of management. oriented, and incomplete training mechanism, etc. In order to solve these problems and support the HR management in publishing enterprise to have enough talents, this article proposes optimizing top-level design, formulating medium and long-term compensation system, working out stock option motivation mechanism as the main variety of incentives, expanding the promotion channels, and improving the training mechanism, etc.