Publishing Journal ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (6): 42-.

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A Training Mode for Sci-Tech Journal Editors with Professional Backgrounds


  • Online:2016-11-15 Published:2016-11-15


From the perspectives of professional quality training and career development, this paper
analyzes the current situation experienced by editors of sci-tech journals and proposed a training mode for
the editors with different professional backgrounds. As an important promotion for career development,
current professional education for sci-tech journal editors can be concluded as lack of speciality, practice
and individuation. With the increased educational background of young editors in sci-tech journals,
it is very necessary to guide them for right occupation morality and value conception, and to cultivate
them for self-realization, as well as for positive supplement and development of the editorial staff. This paper
introduces the way to provide valuable professional education for editors by considering their specialized
backgrounds and professional qualities. This paper also designs education plan for different stages in career