出版科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 78-.

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  1. 武汉理工大学法学与人文社会学院,武汉,430070
  • 出版日期:2023-03-15 发布日期:2023-04-14
  • 作者简介:刘锦宏,管理学博士,武汉理工大学法学与人文社会学院教授 ;黄梦圆,武汉理工大学法学与人文社 会学院 2021 级硕士生 ;刘淼淼,通讯作者,武汉理工大学法学与人文社会学院 2021 级硕士生。
  • 基金资助:

A Study on the Willingness of Chinese College Students to Use Open Access
Academic Resources

  1. School of Law,Humanities and Society,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan,430070
  • Online:2023-03-15 Published:2023-04-14


在文献研究基础上,借鉴使用与满足理论和 ECM 模型构建开放获取学术资源使用意
愿影响因素模型,并通过对我国高校在校学生的大规模问卷调查获取研究数据,最终利用 AMOS
分析软件对模型进行实证检验。发现调查所及的 8610 位高校中在校学生仅有 12.45% 使用过 OA
学术资源 ;证实影响我国高校在校学生使用 OA 学术资源的关键因素是对 OA 运动缺乏了解,其
因素的基础上,提出有效提升我国高校学生 OA 资源使用意愿的对策。



On the basis of literature research, construct a model of factors influencing the
willingness to use open access academic resources by drawing on the Use and Gratification
Theory and ECM model; research data were obtained through a large-scale questionnaire survey
of students in colleges in China; and the model was finally empirically tested by using AMOS
analysis software. It was found that only 12.45% of the 8610 college students surveyed had used
OA academic resources; it was confifirmed that the key factor affecting the use of OA academic
resources by college students in China is the lack of understanding of the OA movement,
and the other factors in order of influence are external environment, expectation satisfaction,
resource quality, platform function and cost of use. After clarifying these influencing factors,
countermeasures to effectively enhance the willingness of OA resources use among students in
China’s universities are proposed.

Key words:

Digital publishing
