出版科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (5): 82-.

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私域流量营销 :后疫情时代实体书店直播转型再思考


  1. 上海大学新闻传播学院
  • 出版日期:2020-09-15 发布日期:2020-09-28
  • 作者简介:张雪,上海大学新闻传播学院 2018 级博士生。

Private Domain Traffic Marketing : Reflections on the Transformation of Live
Broadcasting of Physical Bookstores in the Post-epidemic Era

  1. School of Journalism and Communication, Shanghai University
  • Online:2020-09-15 Published:2020-09-28


2020 年重大疫情对实体书店经营造成重大冲击,疫情下现象级的“书店直播热”显
示出实体书店营销模式面对互联网营销呈现抵制与转型的分水岭。通过对疫情后 9 家具有代表性
的实体书店 543 次直播活动进行营销学解读,结合疫情前后书店营销模式的再分析,提出私域流
量营销是实体书店未来转型的重要方向,并提出其创新路径如下 :聚合线上线下读者资源,构建
书店私域流量池 ;立足内容流量池定位,开发知识付费产品 ;建立营销矩阵,形成书店运营闭环 ;
借势意见领袖,实现精准化引流 ;基于用户画像和兴趣,提升用户体验。



The major epidemic in 2020 has caused a great impact on the operation of physical
bookstores. The phenomenon of“bookstore live broadcast fever” under the epidemic shows that
the marketing mode of physical bookstores presents a watershed of resistance and transformation
in the face of online marketing. Based on the marketing interpretation of 543 live events of 9
representative physical bookstores after the epidemic, combined with the re-analysis of the
bookstore marketing model before and after the epidemic, it is proposed that private domain traffic
marketing is an important direction for the future transformation of physical bookstores, and the
innovation path is proposed as follows : aggregate online and offline reader resources to build the
flow pool of the bookstore’s private domain; based on the position of content flow pool, develop
knowledge payment products; establish a marketing matrix to form a closed loop of bookstore
operation; take advantage of KOLs to achieve accurate drainage; enhance user experience based
on user profiles and interests.  

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