出版科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 91-.

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VR 内容生产研究 :具身的视角


  1. 浙江工商大学人文与传播学院,杭州,310012
  • 出版日期:2023-01-15 发布日期:2023-02-01
  • 作者简介:沈珉,文学博士,浙江工商大学人文与传播学院教授。
  • 基金资助:
    (21BXW118)和 2020 年浙江省文化产业创新发展研究院课题“头显技术(HMT)交互式 VR 旅游(非遗)影像

VR Content Production Research : An Embodied Perspective

  1. School of Humanities and Communication, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou,310012
  • Online:2023-01-15 Published:2023-02-01


指出随着消费级 VR 头显产品的面世,
“具身”的价值与重要性被凸显出来 ;“具身”赋
予了 VR 技术意义生产的可能性,也使头显 VR 的媒体价值得以体现。分析 VR 提供的 3 个层面的
具身,即从物理空间、视觉空间到心理空间都是具身 ;这一具身形式也使 VR 内容呈现出区别于其
VR 作品理解的一般模式 ;而这就是具身蒙太奇产生的原因。作为 VR 意义生产的方式,具身蒙太
奇既是 VR 内容的叙事方式,也是 VR 内容的联系图式。对应这样的生产方式,VR 形成了联觉―
设体验者与内容互动的环节、频率以及程度,并从符号学角度提炼与把握图景,从而使 VR 内容生


With the advent of consumer VR headset(HVR)products, the value and importance
of“embodiment”have been highlighted.“Embodiment”gives VR technology the possibility of
meaningful production, and also makes the media value of HVR reflected. HVR has three levels of
embodiment, that is, from physical space, visual space to psychological space are embodied. This
embodied form also makes VR content unique from other media. To this end, producers must
create a relationship between the“horizon”and the embodied experiencer, and use this creation
as a general mode of understanding of VR works; and that’s why embodied montages come
about. As a way of VR meaning production, embodied montage is both a narrative method of VR
content and a connection schema of VR content. Corresponding to this production method, VR
has formed two content interpretation modes : synesthesia-metaphor mode and continuous
disembodied mode. In practical application, it is necessary to reasonably set up the link,
frequency and degree of interaction between the experiencer and the content, and refine and
grasp the visual picture from the perspective of semiotics, so as to create new meaning in VR
content production.
