出版科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 81-.

• 多媒体 数字出版 • 上一篇    下一篇

从数字出版到智能出版 :知识封装方式的演进


  1. 中南大学文学与新闻传播学院,长沙,410012
  • 出版日期:2023-01-15 发布日期:2023-02-01
  • 作者简介:易龙,传播学博士,中南大学文学与新闻传播学院副教授、中南大学融媒体发展研究中心研究员。
  • 基金资助:

From Digital Publishing to Intelligent Publishing : The Evolution of Knowledge

  1. School of Literature and Journalism, Central South University, Changsha, 410012
  • Online:2023-01-15 Published:2023-02-01


出版与人工智能在知识层面的内在关联,智能出版将成为数字出版未来的必然发展方向 ;认为利
案的智能出版实现了从信息传递到知识组织的功能性迁移 ;人工智能技术将成为未来知识封装的
主要形式 ;以知识图谱为代表的知识组织技术将成为智能出版的主流技术路径。


It is pointed out that knowledge, as the core of the publishing industry, evolves
in its packaging form along with the development of publishing technology. Due to the intrinsic
connection between digital publishing and artificial intelligence at the knowledge level, intelligent
publishing will become the inevitable future of digital publishing; it is argued that knowledge
packaging with artificial intelligence technology promotes the innovation of knowledge products
and knowledge services, as it can meet personalized, multi-scene and instant knowledge
consumption demands in an automated manner. The detailed combing of knowledge packaging
forms reveals that intelligent publishing as a knowledge demand solution realizes functional
migration from information delivery to knowledge organization; artificial intelligence technology
will become the main form of knowledge packaging in the future; knowledge organization
technology represented by knowledge mapping will become the mainstream technology path of
intelligent publishing.
