出版科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (3): 102-.

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“互联网 + ”时代高校优质出版产品推广传播研究

厉 亚 程晓峰 郭 蔚   

  1. ( 湖南大学期刊社, 长沙, 410082)( 重庆科技学院, 重庆, 401331)( 湖南大学出版社, 长沙, 410082)
  • 出版日期:2017-05-15 发布日期:2017-05-15
  • 作者简介:厉亚,湖南大学期刊社副编审 ;程晓峰,重庆科技学院讲师 ;郭蔚,湖南大学出版社编辑。
  • 基金资助:


Study on the Promotion of University High Quality Published Works in the “Internet+” Age

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2017-05-15


“互联网 +”时代, 高校优质出版作品推广传播效能的提升, 必须注重探索科学合理的路径, 积极实
现“全媒体模式”与出版全流程的有机融合 : 以众包模式搭建用户参与选题和创作的互联网平台, 让高校优质
作品从出版生产源头就建立与潜在用户和优质市场的优先联系 ; 建立高校学术生产者与新媒体出版的跨界融合
平台, 推进优质出版作品的市场细分投放和供需精准对接;依托互联网推进成果转化, 建设“高校、 出版、 产业”
融合的推广应用平台, 助力国家创新驱动发展战略。

关键词: “互联网 +”时代, 高校优质出版产品, 全媒体模式, 出版全流程, 创新驱动


In the“Internet +”age, promoting the university high quality published works efficiency must pay
attention to exploring a scientific and reasonable path. Affirmative actualized the organic integration between
Omni-media mode and whole publishing process: putting up an Internet platform, which users participated
in subject and creating in crowdsourcing mode. Thus let university high quality works established prior
linkages between potential users and quality market from publication source. Building a trans-boundary mixed
platforms between university academy producer and new media publishing, was benefit for promoting the
market segmentation of high quality published works, and made embarking and supply-demand docking more
accurate. Promoting achievement transformation based on Internet, and established the extend application
platform among“university- publication- industry”, boosts innovation-driven development strategy.