出版科学 ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2): 53-.

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出版业务外包与核心能力培养— — 以中国民主法制出版社《 于丹〈 庄子〉心得》为例

顾金亮 史建农   

  1. ( 东南大学出版社,南京,210096 )
  • 出版日期:2009-03-15 发布日期:2009-03-15
  • 作者简介:顾金亮,东南大学出版社副编审;史建农,东南大学出版社编辑。

  • Online:2009-03-15 Published:2009-03-15


依据出版业务的关键程度, 将出版企业的业务外包划分为三个层次, 即外围层次、 次核心层
次和核心层次, 探讨了各种业务外包形式对培育出版企业核心能力的影响。 作为例证, 以中国民主法制出版
社《 于丹〈 庄子〉 心得》 为例, 分析了该书具体运作过程中的业务外包环节, 结论是出版企业通过适当的业
务外包, 可以有效地提升自身的核心能力, 从而开创出一种新型的文化资源与媒体共振的“ 文化再生产” 模

关键词: 出版业务丨 外包 , 丨核心能力丨 《 于丹〈 庄子〉 心得》


This paper divides publishing business outsourcing to three levels according to the importance of the
business, such as peripheral level, secondary primary level and primary level, and probes their corresponding influences
to the cultivation of core competence of publishing enterprises. Taking as an example,
this paper focuses on the outsourcing sectors during this book is operated, and draws a conclusion that a publishing
enterprise can enhance its core competence, and start a new model about cultural reproduction by the way of
proper outsourcing.