Publishing Journal ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 14-.
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Abstract: The concept of sound publishing is proposed against the practice of regarding soundas the appendant medium to written content, which results in the problem of the biased evaluationof sound publishing. Sound publishing emphasizes that sound can both be the content subject ofknowledge and information as well as their form of presentation. It focuses on the utter exploration,storage, processing, production and communication of sound resources, and the efficient useof the features of sound. The invention of the phonograph provides technical conditions for theemergence of audio publishing, while the emergence of audio-visual publishing, audio publishing,and online audio with the change of media technology is the practice of sound publishing at differentstages. Under the background of deep integration in publishing and the implementation of culturaldigitization strategy, sound publishing needs to further explore content resources, optimize marketallocation, stimulate the functions of publicity, upgrade media technology, and create a publishingecology, so as to achieve the harmonious, healthy and orderly development of technology, cultureand industry.
CLC Number:
Zeng Wei. Sound Publishing: Concept, History and Prospect[J]. Publishing Journal, 2023, 31(5): 14-.
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