出版科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 75-.

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  1. (山东工商学院人文与传播学院, 烟台, 264005)(山东工商学院经济学院, 烟台, 264005)
  • 出版日期:2018-11-15 发布日期:2018-11-15
  • 作者简介:吴树勤,哲学博士,山东工商学院人文与传播学院副教授 ;杨学坤,经济学博士,山东工商学院经济学院 副教授。

Innovation and Development of Xinhua Bookstore Brand in China under the Trend of
Pluralistic Development

  • Online:2018-11-15 Published:2018-11-15


多元化经营模式是目前我国实体书店升级转型、 重新占领市场的主要发展方向。 作为我国的老字
号文化品牌, 新华书店积极把握市场变化, 抓主业、 促转型、 求突破, 关注消费者的消费需求和感知, 在原
有市场基础上升级转型。 在新的市场环境下, 新华书店要发展, 不能仅靠情怀的坚守, 更重要的是要从形成
具有影响力的阅读活动品牌、 建设中小型特色书店品牌、 打造专属的具有地域文化特色的非书品类品牌、 创
建网络书店品牌等方面着力, 通过创新和发展品牌模式来满足新的市场需求和变化, 获得新华书店品牌的良


At present, diversification mode is the main developing direction of upgrading and reoccupying
the market of our country’s physical bookstores.As an old cultural brand in China, Xinhua Bookstore is also
actively grasping the market changes, focus on the main industry, promote transformation, seek a breakthrough,
pay attention to consumer demand and perception, upgrade the transformation on the basis of the original market.
In the new market environment, Xinhua Bookstore to develop, can not only rely on emotional adherence, more
important is to form an influential reading activity brand, to build small and medium-sized characteristic bookstore
brand, to create the exclusive non-book brand with regional cultural characteristics, to create a network
bookstore brand, etc, through innovation and development of brand models to meet new market needs and
changes, access to Xinhua Bookstore brand of benign and sustainable development.