出版科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 5-.

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互联网 + 中小学阅读课程体系构建


  1. (湖北教育出版社, 武汉, 430070)
  • 出版日期:2018-03-15 发布日期:2018-03-15
  • 作者简介:陈冬新,湖北教育出版社总编辑,长江教育研究院阅读研究所所长。

Constructing the Reading-course System for Chinese Primary and Middle School in Internet+

  • Online:2018-03-15 Published:2018-03-15


针对我国中小学生阅读中还普遍存在“读书数量少、 读书质量差、 读书供给缺和读书效率低”的弊端,
提出必须将青少年阅读教育上升到基础教育课程体系的高度进行系统性思考和推动, 建立“互联网 +”时代背景
下的中小学阅读课程体系是促使中国青少年阅读做到“多读书”“好读书”“读好书”“有效读”的关键。 全文从
中小学阅读课程体系研究的时代背景、 阅读课程体系构建要素、“互联网 +”背景下的线上线下一体化阅读课程
服务体系等方面系统阐述了如何构建“互联网 + 中小学阅读课程体系”问题。


Constructing the reading-course system for Chinese primary and middle school students in
“Internet plus”era, is the key to promote Chinese teenagers to read more, such reading, reading good books
and reading effectively, in consideration of Chinese primary and middle students’small-quantity, poor-quality
and low-efficiency reading, including the short age of book source. We should raise the issue of teenagers’
reading education to the height of the basic education curriculum, in order to deliberate it systematically and
promote the construction. This article puts forw ard the issue that how to construct“primary and middle school
reading-course system in Internet plus era”from several aspects, such as the era background, elements of
the construction and online to offline service system for reading-course.